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5 months ago
LMAO! I should quit my job and just take the other side of every Alex Jones theory.
5 months ago
Sell your Yes while you can
5 months ago
This market should be titled "Is Biden dead by the DNC" because that's the only way he's not speaking. He would speak even if he was in hospice.
5 months ago
So now this market is "will Biden be capable of speaking at DNC" not will he
5 months ago
Sell your Yes while you can
5 months ago
The steelman is: he is the president and in some sense the head of the DNC. He can't really not speak, THAT would be admitting the president is basically a vegetable. He gives speeches regularly and the vast majority of them are fine. Teleprompter/prepared speeches especially. "They all pretended he was healthy" makes you sound a little schizophrenic, no one pretended he was a great speaker and him being a bad speaker doesn't mean he has some debilitating neurological condition lol
5 months ago
Can anyone steelman the case for him to speak at the DNC? I cant see how anyone including him would want that? Its a reminder that they all pretended like he was healthy. Seems high risk/low reward.
4 months ago
Because they have brains
4 months ago
Why do people take it as a guarantee that Biden will be speaking?
4 months ago
Do body doubles count?
4 months ago
Get off the drugs
4 months ago
At 2% it's pretty obviously an insurance bet. Biden wants his moment and this is the last party anyone will ever throw for him. However, it is not what is best for the DNC. So with that in mind, I suggest the DNC leaders are desperate for an "out" that allows them to avoid a live on stage Joe Biden. The case for no: Biden just gave a cancer moonshot speech and it was a SNOOZER. He's an old man who's never been an inspiring speaker and is now lame to boot. This is not the way you want to kick off the DNC. Night one is about his legacy and honoring Joe Biden. You don't do him any favors by finishing that "honoring" by having him make a live speech on the stage. It will be way past his sundown time and he will be winded before he makes it to the microphone. The best way to honor him is with tons of live speakers and then a heavily produced and prerecorded piece from the President thanking everyone while praising Kamala. All of this said, the best (and saddest) case for no is a world event that prevents him from "partying" with the crew when there is a job to do. If Iran or Russia go full ham, it's a good reason for Biden to skip the speech and phone in some love.
5 months ago
He must be in person
5 months ago
This market should be titled "Is Biden dead by the DNC" because that's the only way he's not speaking. He would speak even if he was in hospice.
5 months ago
And it will be. He would demand to be taken out of hospice or the ICU to hear the DNC applaud him.
5 months ago
He must be in person