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The discussion around the market "Pavel Durov leaves France in 2024?" largely revolves around legal and political developments regarding Durov's status in France. Commenters are focused on recent news about Durov's cooperation with authorities regarding criminal activity on Telegram, and the investigation by French and Belgian prosecutors into the platform's use for unlawful activities. Some participants argue that, due to Durov's compliance, it is likely he will eventually be allowed to leave, while others maintain skepticism, citing France's stringent legal actions and public order issues attributed to Telegram. Overall, opinions are mixed, with some seeing a high probability of him leaving, given his diplomatic leverage, while others point to the ongoing investigations as a hindrance to any near-term departure.

  • French authorities are investigating Telegram's use in criminal activities, which could affect Durov's ability to leave France in the short term.
  • Durov’s ongoing cooperation with authorities, such as providing user data upon legal request, is seen by some as a potential path to easing travel restrictions.