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The discussion in the betting market on Israel's potential military response against Iran highlights different opinions on the timing of such an action and its implications. Many comments speculate about possible military strikes, especially considering the Yom Kippur holiday, with some users noting that strategic decisions might defer any action until after significant dates or events. There is an ongoing debate regarding what outcome the market might resolve to if no military action occurs, with some users emphasizing understanding the terms and time zones involved, such as the reliance on EST for bet timelines. Additionally, several users express skepticism about any immediate military response, citing high alert situations and political calculations.

  • Outcome Uncertainty: Users frequently discuss the potential resolution of the market depending on whether or not a military response occurs by key dates, with some emphasizing understanding the specific timeline rules.
  • Strategic Timing: There is a pervasive sentiment that any military action by Israel might be strategically timed, influenced by political considerations and major dates like Yom Kippur, leading to varied betting strategies.
1 week ago
Famous last words.
1 week ago
easy money every day betting no lol !!!
2 weeks ago
Friday to Saturday is Yom Kippur, day of attonement, where they ask God for forgiveness. Would be a bit special if they strike and then start Yom Kippur...
2 weeks ago
If you think it's later than Friday, you get better odds and liquidity at this market:
1 week ago
Read the freaking rules it's right there est
1 week ago
Is the bet on Israel time or EST?
2 weeks ago
amazing dispute here...if attack on midnight
2 weeks ago
Gallant is meeting U.S officials to discuss the attack, then Yom Kippur is on Friday. Memorial for Israeli victims is today. Bibi wants to keep the favor of the public as he has already largely lost it. He will delay the response strike until he is absolutely sure.
2 weeks ago
amazing dispute here...if attack on midnight
2 weeks ago
Exceptions are made for matters of life and death in Jewish Faith.
2 weeks ago
Friday to Saturday is Yom Kippur, day of attonement, where they ask God for forgiveness. Would be a bit special if they strike and then start Yom Kippur...
1 week ago
This market will resolve to "Yes" if Israel does not initiate a military action on Iranian soil, airspace, or maritime territory or against any Iranian embassies between October 7, and October 13, 2024, 11:59 PM ET. Otherwise, this market will resolve to "No".
1 week ago
What does "later" mean exactly? any time in october? or any time after october as well??
1 week ago
Later option gonna win, when nothing happen till Monday.
1 week ago
What does "later" mean exactly? any time in october? or any time after october as well??
1 week ago
"later" is rather fatalistic, geez poly