Who will HBO doc identify as Satoshi?
2 months ago
You're a moron if you think the conclusion can be that it's multiple people. The filmmaker publicly said it's one guy they've fingered. Do two minutes of research next time before you blow 100 grand
2 months ago
I've already invested all the money I have available so it's fine to say this. This documentary had hundreds of staff working on it (literally hundreds), and a company outsourced for editing. My sister works for the company editing the documentary. It was done in parts (no one has access to the whole thing so we can't confirm the full narrative) but we can confirm the following: Szabo is a main Satoshi candidate, Hal was involved with Bitcoin early on, and it is not Adam, Len, or Paul. I was surprised that other insiders have not changed the market entirely yet but I guess it's hard to get access to enough capital and hard to use this UI anyway.