Democratic VP nominee?
5 months ago
Pete cant be the pick. He is gay plus he let a small town burn with no regard. Game over
5 months ago
Kamala Harris has less than 100 days to win the election and needs Pennsylvania. However, historically, no vice presidential candidate has decisively swung a state. Her campaign is thriving right now by accusing Republicans of being sexist and racist towards Kamala, but when she talks she alienate people, making these accusations seem less credible. So this "honeymoon" phase is going to end very shortly and the only way to keep it going is to bring in Pete... They can keep these attacks going but add in homophobic and then just let Pete talk in public and its going to make the republicans look way worse. I am a Trump support and I know a Harris/Pete would be a very tough ticket to beat. I am also a capitalist and if I'm going to lose this election I might as well make 109k off of it. Kamala won't even listen to someone on how she should write her speeches and refused to listen to briefs by her team. She isn't going to take the advice of her DNC friends, shes going to do whats best for her. That is Pete.