Will Trump launch a coin before the election?
2 months ago
YOu know what really makes the outcome feel unfair? Resolving markets based on vibes instead of the written rules. "The rules are poorly written shit" is not a good reason to resolve based on vibes.
2 months ago
ELIMountainman: The point of the market is for people to bet on whether Trump will do something new by launching a coin before the election. If we count coins or tokens that were already launched before the market even started, it takes away the whole idea of betting on something that might happen in the future. That would make the outcome feel unfair, as people would be betting on something that had already been decided. The rule about tokens was probably meant to include things happening close to the start of the market, not things that were already old news. So, to keep things fair, the answer should be "No" unless Trump actually launches a new coin during the time the market is open.