2 months ago
You have a negative PNL and you think anyone is going to read this novel about what you think. hahaha
2 months ago
The market question asks whether Trump will launch a coin before the election. Although the rules were updated to state that "Tokens launched prior to the start date of this market will qualify for a 'Yes' resolution," resolving the market to "Yes" based on tokens launched before the market began undermines the purpose of the market. The intent of the market is to allow participants to bet on future events, not on actions that have already occurred. Including tokens launched before the market started means the outcome was predetermined from the beginning, making the market misleading to participants who believed they were speculating on potential future actions by Trump. Furthermore, the update to the rules should be interpreted in the context of the market's purpose. The inclusion of prior tokens was likely meant to cover recent developments that participants could reasonably act upon, not to retroactively include tokens that were already well-known and launched long before the market started. Therefore, to preserve the integrity of the market and align with its original intent—to bet on whether Trump will take new action to launch a coin before the election—the market should resolve to "No" unless Trump launches a new token during the market period that fits the expectations of the participants.