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2 months ago
It's not the most recent, it was from beginning 2021 before he registered republican
2 months ago
One could say the Gab account information is the most recent information that establishes he most likely shared Democratic ideology, so if we go by the most recent, we would say democrat., but that wasn't from the the law enforcement and it's not definitive. It's enough ambiguity that the market should at least resolve 50 - 50 imo.
3 months ago
If it's not confirmed it resolves no
3 months ago
most likely going 50-50 as there will not be proof or an announcement either way
3 months ago
Not if Biden drops out (i don't think he will).
3 months ago
I think this is still very underpriced, the debate is all but confirmed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwpOljmWA4A
3 months ago
4 months ago
4 months ago
does someone know why this is not priced at 50/50? Any news?
5 months ago
Sure they want to reschedule, actually Biden was first against it but now to win votes he would say whatever is good for him. Question is when, it's a pretty long process. I think it will be for after the election at best. And maybe if there are some problems along the way it's for next year. So it's kind of a tricky market
5 months ago
The president just tweeted this: https://x.com/POTUS/status/1791457102218567979
5 months ago
Doomer 100% sold his polymarket trading account. Comparing his early bets to his bets now, completely different in almost every way. The kind of markets, the position sizes, the way of trading, ... practically everything is different. People don't change that radically that quickly, regardless of personal situation.
5 months ago
The guy is able to buy tens and tens of thousands of shares without the price moving, and yet he keeps posting "sell me more YES." Hey pal, we are selling you more yes over and over again.
5 months ago
TheRoaringKitty 100% sold his account comparing his early tweets to his tweets now completely different in almost every way, the language, the nomenclature, the phrasing, practically everything people don't change that radically that quickly, regardless of personal situation
5 months ago
DFV won't tweet this much, study personal behaviors, read DFV reddit posts, sell me more YES shares
5 months ago
6 months ago
As it stands now, only the New York case is guaranteed to go to trial before November.
7 months ago
I had a limit order for this market and they cancelled it??
7 months ago
the attackers basically admitted themselves they hired by muslim terrorist group...
7 months ago
It is kinda “funny” when the “free media” has more insight into terrorist plans than they have themselves
7 months ago
U.S. intelligence officials confirmed the claim by the IS affiliate that it was responsible for the attack, a U.S. official told The Associated Press. U.S. intelligence agencies gathered information in recent weeks that the IS branch was planning an attack in Moscow, and U.S. officials privately shared the intelligence with Russian officials earlier this month, the U.S. official said. The official was briefed on the matter but was not authorized to publicly discuss the intelligence information and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.
7 months ago
Seems like us intelligence has already confirmed it was ISIS. Sure Putin might try to frame it like Ukraine did it to get more people motivated fighting his war against Ukraine. But if a consensus of reporting will be used, i think yes is right in this one.
7 months ago
Seems like us intelligence has already confirmed it was ISIS. Sure Putin might try to frame it like Ukraine did it to get more people motivated fighting his war against Ukraine. But if a consensus of reporting will be used, i think yes is right in this one.
7 months ago
In a prison shower, dimly lit, Sam dropped the soap, a clumsy fit. With a clatter it fell, oh what a sound, Echoing fears all around. Enter Jay, with muscles like steel, In the shower, his presence surreal. A grin on his face, mischievous gleam, In this steamy room, it's quite the scene. Sam glanced up, a nervous glance, Caught in a prison shower dance. Jay, the giant, towering tall, Seemed to Sam, impossibly small. "Hey there, Sam," Jay boomed with glee, "Looks like you dropped something, let me see." Sam stammered, his words a jumble, In this moment, he felt so humble. Jay picked up the soap with ease, Grinning wider, if you please. "Here you go, buddy, don't be shy, I'll help you out, no need to cry." Sam gulped, his heart a flutter, In this steamy prison, what a clutter! But Jay just laughed, a hearty sound, As Sam's fears began to drown. So in that shower, amidst the steam, Sam found a friend, or so it seemed. Though the situation was quite absurd, Sometimes in prison, laughter's the word. And from that day on, Sam knew true, In the craziest moments, friends come through. So here's to Jay, the giant with flair, And to Sam, who learned friendship's rare.
7 months ago
I hope he doesn't drop the soap in the showers...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Options can go to zero, they should be priced a lot cheaper. You buy bitcoin now, it's not likely to go to zero but can always crash. But with options it's time sensitive. So theta tends to flow out of them when they near expiration.
7 months ago
Think about how cool this bet is guys. If you buying YES shares, and BTC will hit 100k, you're basically buying BTC but cheaper, like now only for 56ç. It's even better to hold YES shares actually, cause they are less volatile than the real BTC
7 months ago
There have been some big 10k donations. So if people donate 10k it would only take 30 donations. But then most whales who want to donate might have already done it.
7 months ago
The rate of donations is not constant: last four hours a bit below 3000 per hour, before it was at about 7500 per hour for four hours too and before at 4000 per hour for 18 hours. Right now looks like they are on track, but as the days go by they might lose steam and then not on track for friday anymore...
7 months ago
Yeah that's the thing. If this market was for end of month i would totally bet yes. But i think it's more of a coinflip at this point. In the night hours almost nobody might bid and then the hype will probably become less. I do think they get the target eventually but it will be close anyway.
7 months ago
The rate of donations is not constant: last four hours a bit below 3000 per hour, before it was at about 7500 per hour for four hours too and before at 4000 per hour for 18 hours. Right now looks like they are on track, but as the days go by they might lose steam and then not on track for friday anymore...
7 months ago
And because it's Americans donating most likely, subtract 8 hours for when they sleep.
7 months ago
Ok so say there are maybe 4 days left since today is almost gone. 300k to go. 300000/4/24 is maybe 2500 dollar every hour they need to raise.
7 months ago
It seems like they will get the target of 650k, but i'm not sure if it will be by friday. This hype might become less in a few days so people donating less.
7 months ago
Ok so say there are maybe 4 days left since today is almost gone. 300k to go. 300000/4/24 is maybe 2500 dollar every hour they need to raise.
7 months ago
Ok so say there are maybe 4 days left since today is almost gone. 300k to go. 300000/4/24 is maybe 2500 dollar every hour they need to raise.
7 months ago
Sphere wif hat
7 months ago
If biden drops out in april i will tattoo a dick on my face with tear drops resembling semen.
7 months ago
If there was a 2024 market i would bet on it
7 months ago
I thought the same, but now I see it's close to happening...
7 months ago
Problem is the date. Nvidia will flip Apple but when? We only have like 20 days left. Apple is now at a resistance and Nvidia might pull back short term. So i think they will flip 100% but probably not in time for this market to resolve yes
7 months ago
I thought the same, but now I see it's close to happening...
7 months ago
because it's funny
7 months ago
this is a royal scam, not sure why you're so hyped
7 months ago
They can't keep getting away with it
7 months ago
it's too easy
7 months ago
it's too easy
7 months ago
wow i cant believe it this went exactly as expected
7 months ago
Herb? Herb is the healing of the nation, seen? Once you smoke herb, you all must think alike. Now if you thinkin' alike, dat mean we 'pon the same track. If we 'pon the same track, that mean we gonna unite.
7 months ago
Can't wait till they resolve this market yes tomorrow. Only 24 hours to go till the yes chads can cash out. Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.
7 months ago
This is enough for it to resolve yes without the additional context: "If the US federal government goes unfunded for any period of time before a new budget/stopgap can be signed into law, it will be considered a government shutdown."
7 months ago
It literally re-iterates the rules. Re-iterate means it says the rules again.
7 months ago
Yeah but he said it adds another rule. How does it add another rule? If Joe Biden is the president or it's Willy Wonka, this doesn't even matter.
7 months ago
It literally re-iterates the rules. Re-iterate means it says the rules again.
7 months ago
It doesn't add a rule, if Joe Biden is the president or it was someone else at the time. Who cares? Him not being mentioned specifically doesn't even matter or change anything. What matters is the president didn't sign on time. Poly tried to explain better in the additional context and you still don't get it or don't want to.
7 months ago
The 'addition context' doesn't reiterate the rule, it literally adds another one. Nowhere in the market was Joe Biden mentioned. If you need to clarify that to swing this yes then it's wrong, plain and simple.
7 months ago
In the digital realm where fortunes are spun, Polymarket's stage, where bets are won, A gamble placed on government's fate, Before the shutdown's timely date. With fingers crossed, and wallets bare, The players watched with hopeful stare, "No shutdown," they wagered, confident and bold, But alas, their hopes began to fold. Biden, weary, his eyelids drooped low, Sleep beckoned him, an unstoppable flow, As the deadline passed, the bill left unsigned, The outcome clear, the market outlined. "Yes" declared the victors, their foresight keen, Their pockets lined with winnings, gleaming and pristine, But amidst their joy, a chorus of dismay, From those who bet "No," now they must pay. In the comment section, cries echo loud, As fortunes lost are mourned in shroud, The "No" bettors weep, their wallets light, While the "Yes" chads bask in their foresight. Another chapter in the market's tale, Where fortunes rise and others frail, In the game of wits, where predictions fly, The wise prevail, while others sigh.
7 months ago
This is a video of no bettors after the yes chads win this bet
7 months ago
7 months ago
7 months ago
It was already in the rules before the clarification... And we care about the rules lol. How do you even bet otherwise? Based on feelings or personal opinion? There is always a line you need to draw somewhere. Here it was pretty clear what that is.
7 months ago
Nobody in the world cares about some supposed funding lapse. Creating a market with this clarification provides no value to the world at all. Anyone who seriously believes in the utility of prediction markets wouldn't concieve of such a silly and pointless technicality.
7 months ago
No bettors in tears, next time they need to read more properly maybe before just gambling on a market based on the title??
7 months ago
Did you even read the article? They say in the article he signed only on Saturday. So he was indeed to late with signing. The rules are satisfied so yes should win.
7 months ago
Published on Saturday, 11:50 AM ET. So 10 minutes before the market deadline, which is indicated in the rules. Also keep in mind that if it was published at that time, Biden had to sign the bill earlier. So market has to resolve to NO. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4520284-biden-signs-government-funding-bills-avert-partial-shutdown/
7 months ago
Omg, please don't go away. You have 9 dollar worth of positions, you are very important to polymarket. Most important customer ever. LOL
7 months ago
Yeah this is an absolute joke if this resolves to Yes I will stop using this because I can't trust them to make correct decisions rooted in reality. A shut down did not happen this is reality if they deny reality that's their problem but they can lose a customer.
7 months ago
If anything it proves why yes is right even more.
7 months ago
Read the article again, they say in the article he signed on Saturday and not on Friday like he was supposed to do. LOL
7 months ago
Read the article again, they say in the article he signed on Saturday and not on Friday like he was supposed to do. LOL
7 months ago
https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4520284-biden-signs-government-funding-bills-avert-partial-shutdown/ the rules say 12 PM. This is a new article published at 11:50 AM that says that Biden signs government funding bills to avoid partial shutdown
7 months ago
OK and who cares about any you just said? The rules are pretty clear lol. Actually if you would just go by the title or something it would be clearly no shutdown happened. By the rules there clearly was. Next time people need to learn to read them and not just bet on a title.
7 months ago
What went unfunded? When? Who reported it?
7 months ago
The us government said biden wouldn't sign before midnight, that's when this market flipped. I don't have a lot of money on it, only 300 bucks. Like few percent of my pf.
7 months ago
discussion and voting is now happening on UMA discord. If you have a case to make for either side, thats the place to do it where it counts.
7 months ago
So for this market it's considered as a shutdown by the rules.
7 months ago
What went unfunded? When? Who reported it?
7 months ago
No idea but it's not really relevant since the rules said: If the US federal government goes unfunded for any period of time before a new budget/stopgap can be signed into law, it will be considered a government shutdown.
7 months ago
What went unfunded? When? Who reported it?
7 months ago
The media did. Since he didn't sign the bill on time. You can all find this in public information, it's not a secret.
7 months ago
What went unfunded? When? Who reported it?
7 months ago
"If the US federal government goes unfunded for any period of time before a new budget/stopgap can be signed into law, it will be considered a government shutdown." This is exactly what happened. Biden didn't sign the bill on time, so yes will win this bet
7 months ago
What went unfunded? When? Who reported it?
7 months ago
Read the rules...
7 months ago
What went unfunded? When? Who reported it?
7 months ago
It won't change the outcome. You can still take a loss now it can. Instead of losing the whole bet.
7 months ago
It's only the no voters who need to discuss in the discord like their life depends on it. Because they know they are wrong and now they panic.
7 months ago
It's only the no voters who need to discuss in the discord like their life depends on it. Because they know they are wrong and now they panic.
7 months ago
discussion and voting is now happening on UMA discord. If you have a case to make for either side, thats the place to do it where it counts.
7 months ago
The yes chads will once again be proven right. Congratulations
7 months ago
For this market to resolve to "Yes" it is only necessary a US government shutdown occurs, whether it is a partial shutdown, or a full shutdown. If the US federal government goes unfunded for any period of time before a new budget/stopgap can be signed into law, it will be considered a government shutdown.
7 months ago
I get they updated the fine print "today" >.> but it still doesn't seem like there was a gap in funding despite the time Biden signed.
7 months ago
Lol they didn't change the rules, the rules where already there. They just clarified for people like you who don't understand.
7 months ago
I get they updated the fine print "today" >.> but it still doesn't seem like there was a gap in funding despite the time Biden signed.
7 months ago
Bullish! Up only for the yes chads
7 months ago
Proposed yes, disputed. Proposed yes again, disputed once more. Now it's up for PolyMarket to review it themselves, and very very highly likely they'll favor their own writing, to the words instead. So get you Yes shares in people!!!
7 months ago
He didn't sign on time, that's why it's a yes.
7 months ago
So the outcome was yes eventhough there was no shutdown?! Awesome! I love losing money!!
7 months ago
Per the rules, “If the US federal government goes unfunded for any period of time before a new budget/stopgap can be signed into law, it will be considered a government shutdown.” Hence if President Biden didn’t sign a new budget/stopgap bill into law by the midnight deadline, this market should resolve to “Yes.”
7 months ago
So the outcome was yes eventhough there was no shutdown?! Awesome! I love losing money!!
7 months ago
There was a shutdown, Biden didn't sign on time.
7 months ago
So the outcome was yes eventhough there was no shutdown?! Awesome! I love losing money!!
7 months ago
headlines are open to interpretation sometimes. Better to have some clear rules.
7 months ago
The experience you're having is a symptom of something else. Mismatch between title and rules. This happens quite frequently and is the source of constant drama. One way to fix this would be to start creating markets based on headlines themselves. See here for more info -https://predictionmarkets.miraheze.org/wiki/Headline_Template
7 months ago
Then why are there rules to a market? You either follow them or not. Just read better next time and don't gamble based on the title...
7 months ago
For all intents and purposes there was no shutdown, and no news outlets or government agencies are saying there is. The "fine print" interpretation of the rule goes against the spirit of the question, and these kind of confusing outcomes will drive new people and casual bettors away from the platform. Is it really worth it just for the UMA whales to make a few extra bucks?
7 months ago
Dude it's not a conspiracy lol. You lost a bet? Move on. Just real the rules clearly, it says if for any moment us goes into shutdown it will count. Biden didn't sign yes so we are now already for what 10 hours into a shutdown? The fact big players here bet on yes is because they did read the rules and know how this will resolve.
7 months ago
If you look at the early big "Yes" buyers from about 10 hours ago, many of them are very active on the UMA discord and are powerful UMA players.
7 months ago
7 months ago
This is absolutely confusing
7 months ago
OMG they avoided a shutdown, everyone bet on no now!!! quick, it's free money
7 months ago
I see that's not true, you can only sell gbtc on vanguard not buy.
7 months ago
Another terribly worded market. Vanguard currently allows purchasing GBTC which is a "one or more Bitcoin ETF". In fact they have always allowed GBTC.
7 months ago
7 months ago
All sorts of rule issues. Bitcoin etf, microstrategies, having to announce it, having it to be the first time.
7 months ago
Seems like a gamble
7 months ago
It should trade way less. Options can go to zero while if you just bought ethereum and hold it can bounce back.
7 months ago
this is trading at a 12% discount to actual price nice arb trade here
7 months ago
Exactly my thought when reading this article. She just put the words in his mouth basically.
8 months ago
if you watch the clip you will see that this is NOT a shortlist straight from the horse's mouth. The person interviewing him spewed out a bunch of names and Trump only replied saying he liked them all. As far as I know, the only time he has been the one to give the names was the time he said he was considering Tim Scott and Kristi Noem.
8 months ago
Fake news faker then Pamela Anderson her tits or Kim Kardashian her ass and lips.
8 months ago
So these are the facts how i see them: she's not going to win from Trump. But she does have some narrative to keep going for scenario Trump would be removed from ballot (unlikely). Republicans have a history of running for president then second time only they get elected. So maybe it's her warm up for 2028
8 months ago
8 months ago
It's about who has the biggest dick
8 months ago
If you look at the top holders, this isn't a market about who is going to drop out first.
8 months ago
8 months ago
check the top holders for "No Nikki"
8 months ago
He's wrong everyone market bet on yes now please! Liquidity is what we need
8 months ago
Be careful about buying YES, folks are arguing that a trillion dollars needs to be in SamA's bank account for this to resolve to YES. We need clarification
8 months ago
It's rigged bro
8 months ago
Sharif is going down.
8 months ago
Seems like she's usually on screen max 5 times not more and not even that long...
8 months ago
8 months ago
8 months ago
Why is the market thinking this?
8 months ago
They pretty much both said her and trump that it's not going to happen. She wouldn't be a terrible choice over al but better candidates...
8 months ago
won't be nikki lol
8 months ago
8 months ago
won't be nikki lol
8 months ago
8 months ago
won't be nikki lol
8 months ago
Ok so the degens thought it would be vivek. Now it's nikki again. Both don't really make sense but ok.
8 months ago
Market on if Tupac and Biggie are still alive please
8 months ago
I'd prefer a market on whether Epstein is still alive tbh. We all know that MFer faked his death too.
8 months ago
8 months ago
Making deepfake ai pornographic videos is illegal, this market is about sharing them.
Domer Stan
8 months ago
It already is illegal haha. Resolve p1 guys.