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2 months ago
Yes 1968 , and Nixon won , so it's hard that Kamala wins
2 months ago
Has that happened before?
2 months ago
Correct is a woke company that they used pronounce and they are discussing or trying to figure out how is more stupid during the day
2 months ago
UMA is more corrupt than Maduro. A disgrace
2 months ago
Even sometimes I feel what about boden , but But it deserves what he reap over the years
2 months ago
“You’re stuck with me as president for awhile, kid. There’s no way out. You got me for at least 90 days or so” https://x.com/RNCResearch/status/1819228038015471825
2 months ago
The worst as far impulsed by a lot of woke here , shame on you all ( edmundos sucker's )
2 months ago
@JustKam Maduro won
2 months ago
If it wasn't for the Polymarket intern immediately tweeting "MADURO WON" right alongside Cuba & China, this would be at 95c Gonzalez right now. The opposition preserved the evidence from CNE machines that they won the election, and that the results weren't close. CNE released easily disprovable fake results, and then has refused for a week now to release the precinct results (which violates the law). It's not exactly a shock that there's tons of countries in the Americas who are now recognizing Gonzalez as the winner.
2 months ago
Doode @justkam is a pegged boy that live in his fantasy world and support woke culture
2 months ago
In the official PM account they say that Maduro being president does not mean that he won it fairly or that he deserves it and I totally agree, it would be very stupid to have a guy here as a winner and that when they go to Venezuela look at someone else, for God's sake, If you search for the president of Venezuela on Google, you won't get the one you have in mind, and it would be ridiculous if it were like that here, and much worse when their rule is to have the CNE as the main source, which does not allow international observers, in principle they made rules wrong and must adapt to them. We all want Maduro to go to the underworld, but bets are bets and if you want to trust the CNE = Fraud, what did you want?
2 months ago
2 months ago
the minutes are official documents, we've seen 80% of those, what's more official than that?
2 months ago
Imagine just because you They are going to do it, they lost from the beginning but idiots like you and company don't accept it, faggots
2 months ago
Countries already start recognizing Gonzalez as the Winner. As long as CNE doesn't release the vote tally sheets, this effectively renders this market unresolvable before 31.12.
2 months ago
Yes doode it's very unprofessional from Polymarket this shit
2 months ago
What a shitshow market. I feel for all the Maduro holders getting scammed.
2 months ago
Want to see the soyboys "хохол" @justkam Crying like the Venezuelan elections
2 months ago
I thought she was pajeet and now she became black few days ago , how that shit happened ?
2 months ago
Biden resigns, Kamala becomes first black female president. Barrier broken. Her odds of winning will jump to 60%
2 months ago
Exactly, just fucking cowards here
2 months ago
Que raro EEUU y tantos países preocupándose por lo que pasa en un país tan pobre e insignificante como Venezuela. O se preocupan también cuando se vota en Mongola o Nigeria para que muestren las actas de los votos? No será que hay algún interés detrás?
2 months ago
The moron lose at the beginning, he handles his lose but at
2 months ago
This guy Justkam is the biggest holder of edmundo and lost it all, you are only trying to cut your losses dude...
2 months ago
Maduro will lot nowhere moron , at least this gonna finish in "yes" no matter what , but you all are disgusting people with no Honor , You have a lot of mental gymnastics so that your arguments revolve around what you believe.
2 months ago
"" This market includes any potential second round. If the result of this election isn't known by December 31, 2024, 11:59 PM ET, the market will resolve to "No." "" Buy your No cheap while you can
2 months ago
This is beyond election nights, this is post-election. Damn idiot, it seems you're not very smart after all.
2 months ago
The guy betting on Maduro just posted "market manipulators should be banned"? Lmao.
2 months ago
Dude you are a super moron , poll never tell the truth you are just trying to win time , cause you don't call on your equation or in your tiny head about a fraud . Looks that you was the last of your class
2 months ago
I think the market should expire to the truth. Over ten million people went to the polls, and voted for Gonzales by 30 points, verified by precinct data. I'm going to bet on that guy winning the election. If I lose money, I don't care. At least I'm not some stooge arguing to "please gib me my fraud money" like half the commenters here.
2 months ago
All the suckers of Edmundo are the class morons that they love to be the victims that they lose and they vote to move the table to they side , horrible people they are the classy liberal
2 months ago
I don't know why, but this guy makes me laugh
2 months ago
This message is for all dick suckers are fucking crying @cuccyboy had reason
2 months ago
I'm fucking outbof this fucking bet , I am literally dealing with faggots by fucking liberals who do not accept the results, when they care more about a country that is shit, than if there is fraud in their own
2 months ago
I'm fucking outbof this fucking bet , I am literally dealing with faggots by fucking liberals who do not accept the results, when they care more about a country that is shit, than if there is fraud in their own
2 months ago
@justkam The pegged lover is talking
2 months ago
Recapping again that the opposition has released 81% of the results, and 81% of the precinct results: https://resultadosconvzla.com/ The CNE was required by law to post the full results within 48 hours. They still have only released 80% of the "vote" total, not 100%. And they have released 0% of the precinct results. It looks like Gonzales won by north of 30 points in the election, and the opposition has proved that with verified, signed precinct data direct from the CNE machines.
2 months ago
You only justify your bad analysis at the beginning, pathetic
2 months ago
It will be nearly impossible for Maduro to fake the precinct results. They've already broken the law by not releasing them within 48 hours. https://www.caracaschronicles.com/2024/07/31/falsifying-vote-tallies-is-very-hard-heres-why/
2 months ago
It's not official yet
2 months ago
Que Paso? Ya No Aparece Tiempo.
2 months ago
Looks that you do your homework doode nice
2 months ago
This market was at 75% for Maduro to win because the traders knew that it was a market about whether he'd successfully manipulate the election results. He was 30% behind in the polls.
2 months ago
This request MUST only resolve to p1 or p2. Updates made by the question creator via the bulletin board at
2 months ago
I don't know why they are saying p4. When the string on uma say :
2 months ago
I don't know why they are saying p4. When the string on uma say :
2 months ago
Ok, so what happens now when P4 is colcluded? Are we stuck in this limbo with Polymarket suggesting Maduro Yes and UMA resulting to P4 until the end of the year when the market automatically results to Maduro NO?
2 months ago
But soon or later This shit need to end
2 months ago
It is in progress, it is a question that they analyze it, even so Polymarket's verdict was yes
2 months ago
It is in progress, it is a question that they analyze it, even so Polymarket's verdict was yes
2 months ago
Ok so it seems like it will be P4. What now? We wait for Maduro Government to fall in 2024 or we give the victory to Other? UMA = Corruption
2 months ago
Explain that to pegged @justkam and the Edmundo lovers
2 months ago
The entity that conducted the elections has declared the winner. If you think there was fraud or that someone else should have been chosen, it doesn't matter here. What matters is the official result and the reality, not what you believe to be right
2 months ago
Election take place
2 months ago
Yeah doode. I can't imagine Polymarket like that, now I can't imagine when the American elections are
2 months ago
Yeah doode. I can't imagine Polymarket like that, now I can't imagine when the American elections are
2 months ago
Next time, we should simply create a market for 'Who will win the elections in such-and-such country according to UMA holders', and there will be no problems. The rules clearly state that the information must be official from Venezuela, not from the Carter Center, Blinken, UMA voters, aliens, etc
2 months ago
It's strange, before @justkam the lover pegged, he was number 1 or 2 of holder call for Maduro, then he changed, and said that Maduro had no opportunity to commit fraud due to participation (his perspective) they give the result against him and now he is crying, it is just a matter of interest, he cannot stand his mistake in this
2 months ago
Yes when they accept to receive CNE and official results from the government of Venezuela and now they are not accept that when they accept when they
2 months ago
Maduro stole the election, so some people use it as justification to steal this bet. Sad
2 months ago
Exactly , Here they are going against their Polymarket verdict and the rules themselves, what they have in common is that they do not accept reality itself
2 months ago
Does anyone know how the UMA vote is going? I am new to polymarket, but see that “early request” is apparently winning. Is that correct? If so, what happens next? To me, it is plainly obvious that per the terms of the bet, Maduro “won” and that he should resolve to “yes”. The primary source of information for resolution is Venezuela’s electoral authority, and they proclaimed Maduro “winner” (link to press conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihRoxaHRh2M). Obviously the result is fraudulent and will be contested by the opposition, but that is not what this bet is about…
2 months ago
This is all post-election. The election declared Maduro. Everything that is being done here is beyond election night.
2 months ago
Now you are " expert " on how democracy work on Venezuela Being an authoritarian country, friend, I think you are one of those who votes for Harris and your girlfriend pegged you.
2 months ago
"48 hours since the CNE announced the first results bulletin, and it still hasn't published the detailed results by center and table on its website, nor has it delivered the results database to the participating parties."
2 months ago
The rules of the bet were written, ready if you think that democracy exists and. Whatever you want, you are wrong and you don't know how to do your homework, you are very stupid.
2 months ago
Funny to see this guy, it seems that he doesn't do his homework before betting, I think that between him and Maduro they have a lot in common, let's see Venezuela is an authoritarian country, Maduro is a dictator, the
2 months ago
Funny to see this guy, it seems that he doesn't do his homework before betting, I think that between him and Maduro they have a lot in common, let's see Venezuela is an authoritarian country, Maduro is a dictator, the
2 months ago
They didn't even pretend to release real numbers, the 80% of the "vote" they released so far are exactly round numbers, 44.200000, 51.20000, and 4.60000 lol https://x.com/ltornarolli/status/1818324314736734629
2 months ago
You already lose in the first round
2 months ago
If he's out by today, it's ruled that edmundo winds by recount
2 months ago
Yeah sure liberal. Go and take your pills
2 months ago
If he's out by today, it's ruled that edmundo winds by recount
2 months ago
Hey Edmundo suckers, already out bet on those who can go and get out of the way from this one https://polymarket.com/event/maduro-out-before-september/maduro-out-before-september?tid=1722356984944
2 months ago
You say it yourself, they call Maduro's government, I don't read that it says Edmundo's government, end of history, the revolts and everything only confirm that Maduro won
2 months ago
Both sides have claimed victory, and the opposition has just published a comprehensive list of precinct results that shows they definitively won the election. Other countries are calling on the Maduro government to release any precinct results they have, which the government has refused to do (because they made them up). The result of the election will likely end up in the court system in Venezuela, and this market could be open as the winner is determined by the Venezuelan system.
2 months ago
Bayes theorem, in reality there was a 70% chance that there was fraud, and many people hated him and some said he was stupid, I think they fell asleep in math class (probability statistics)
2 months ago
I missed the comment I was writing, I mentioned that on election day, a user commented, I agreed to his opinion that there was 45% fraud in these elections, using theorem
2 months ago
I missed the comment I was writing, I mentioned that on election day, a user commented, I agreed to his opinion that there was 45% fraud in these elections, using theorem
2 months ago
Denying reality is the first step towards starting to lose money. The official result is on the scoreboard. The Presidents of Russia and China are congratulating Maduro on his victory. What is there to talk about? That the US, which wants to control oil supplies in the region, is pressuring Maduro and making statements that the elections were not fair? Or that the opposition politician does not acknowledge his defeat? Guys, even Trump didn't acknowledge his defeat in 2020. But the result is on the scoreboard.
2 months ago
I remember that on election day, a boy or user had posted a comment. That according to their analysis there was 45% fraud that will be carried out,
2 months ago
Dude, what's Twitter? What percentage of Venezuela's population uses Twitter and posts there? A dozen educated liberals who drink lattes in the morning and try to make money from a Western audience?
2 months ago
Respect 100%
2 months ago
This market is "who will win the election", not "who will win the election without cheating". And the CNE is the official source. That was the game, and we all knew it. Now take your loss as I did.
2 months ago
Dude shut up , How the hell dare you give advice when you lost and you're crying, the market is efficient, but your stupidity has no bottom
2 months ago
if u have positions of maduro , better exit at 90 cents. u can get 0
2 months ago
You are just crying cause you lose , and is hard to accept , at first you was agree that cne will give you the result , now cause is not at your favor , your are crying like a stripper
2 months ago
thing is if the CNE lied about the results or those fabricated results considered “official?”
2 months ago
But that's what I know. Argue, ? If everyone is in the rules, I only see faggots crying.
2 months ago
It has to go thru UMA voting process. around 48 hours. https://vote.uma.xyz/
2 months ago
@crock95 yeah just sorry is that , It's my fault I read so much shit in this bet and I just went ballistic, sorry
2 months ago
In Belarus in 2020, the same thing happened. Tikhanovskaya got 55% against 40%, but Lukashenko ignored everyone. His compliant Central Election Commission declared his victory. As a result, the people came out in huge numbers on the streets, and honestly, on the fourth day of protests, it seemed that the dictator would not hold on and a revolution would happen, leading the Central Election Commission to change its opinion or repeat elections due to massive violations. But he held on and suppressed everyone.
2 months ago
It is really very stupid, this matter and hypocritical, if I had lost Maduro All of Edmundo's dick suckers would be making fun of those who bet on Maduro
2 months ago
Stop crying , If you don't know how to read the rules, you better not have entered the bet, it's that easy or something you don't know, how it works, I realize that everyone who supported Edmundo is a crybaby.
2 months ago
Stop crying , If you don't know how to read the rules, you better not have entered the bet, it's that easy or something you don't know, how it works, I realize that everyone who supported Edmundo is a crybaby.
2 months ago
For me, it's obvious that no decision should be made yet, and the dispute shouldn't be settled. Don't rush! I see a dispute window has already opened, and there are only 1.5 hours left on the timer. It's no surprise that despite Maduro getting a maximum of 30%, the Central Election Commission counted 51% for Maduro and declared his victory. This was clear from the start. Now everything will depend on society, and that's where the intrigue lies. I'm sure there will be huge protests across the country and nationwide strikes. These could lead to a change in the situation, a split among the elites, and ultimately a review of the Central Election Commission's decision. In Ukraine in 2004, after the elections were stolen, the outraged people came out in huge numbers and managed to get the Central Election Commission to decide on a repeat of the second round due to massive ballot stuffing for the pro-government candidate. And the candidate won. I personally bet on Maduro during the vote count at odds of 1.7, and then, after the initial "announcement of results," I bet against Maduro at odds of 14.
2 months ago
You lose dawg , just go to sleep
2 months ago
news https://x.com/el_pais/status/1817847231094927392?s=46
3 months ago
Thank you doode
3 months ago
"If this debate is delayed or rescheduled for a date that is not September 10, 2024, this market will immediately resolve to "No".
3 months ago
Snowflake n woke
3 months ago
This is just offensive.
3 months ago
So is it until September 10 or July 5?
3 months ago
Sleepy Joe closed his eyes, he can hardly speak, he closed his eyes
3 months ago
Staring down with narrowed yes because of focusing on paper - to same direction where hands are. At the end of stare it is visible he is not opening eyes from closed.
3 months ago
3 months ago
dont be racist