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6 days ago
Are you winning, son?
1 week ago
Please stop taking my orders, I need this money to bet on Kamala winning
1 week ago
Okay but why Andy Beshear
1 week ago
The leak is real.
1 week ago
@ProteinProsecco You sure?
1 week ago
Move that big order a bit higher and I'm interested
1 week ago
1 week ago
You're gonna have to puke your position soon. The information is literally being released now.
1 week ago
@JP1993 How much you want?
1 week ago
Why tweet this instead of clearing the book, if true?
nik - 1624
1 week ago
Seems like token is deployed now : https://x.com/Dumpster_DAO/status/1845547705604751768?t=xFdgzcJuvnxrWR2rIxpTyQ&s=19
1 week ago
Sure. What do you think is the fair price?
1 week ago
Buy more no
1 week ago
The 30k share wall that no one is taking seems to indicate otherwise. UMA gets messy.
1 week ago
They legit have no escape on this one. None whatsoever. Dead to rights. Cheating whales losing 6 figures. Glorious.
1 week ago
Lebanon-Tier price chart if this goes down again
1 week ago
Are the inside sources in the room with us now?
1 week ago
I have heard from inside sources this is going to blow up big time
1 week ago
Come on, folks
1 week ago
Can someone just ask Kevin what he thinks now so we save time on the dispute?
2 weeks ago
Huh might go Yes after all.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
In the last UMA vote that went p4 there was 2M on yes. Something to keep in mind.
2 weeks ago
There's not enough new information since the proposal that would change a P4 to a P2. Seems to be a lot more experienced users on NO, who have seen a lot of UMA disputes and would have sold by now if they thought UMA was going to flip. There also seems to be no desire from Polymarket to clarify.
2 weeks ago
What gives you those vibes?
2 weeks ago
The vibes for team no seem pretty strong, my honest advice is that yes holders should sell now while they can. It's not pretty but that's the system.
2 weeks ago
@Arbguy what do you think you're arbing, exactly?
3 weeks ago
Put up a limit order for 300k shares and I'm sure someone will take it. Unless your posting random tweets has scared everyone else off. Very strong evidence, I don't know how I'll sleep now.
3 weeks ago
16 Billion dollars from FTX is about to be released back into the crypto market, yet people are willing to park their money for 3 months, and risk a 100% loss for a measly 3% return on an 81 year old that has already been pushed aside from his party, not resigning. Imagine watching the crypto market fly as your money is parked here, holding on for your tiny little return, only to wake up one morning and seeing that it went to ZERO. “NO” holders must hate money.
3 weeks ago
One month.
3 weeks ago
16 Billion dollars from FTX is about to be released back into the crypto market, yet people are willing to park their money for 3 months, and risk a 100% loss for a measly 3% return on an 81 year old that has already been pushed aside from his party, not resigning. Imagine watching the crypto market fly as your money is parked here, holding on for your tiny little return, only to wake up one morning and seeing that it went to ZERO. “NO” holders must hate money.
3 weeks ago
Sure about this, Yaremi?
3 weeks ago
New running mate after he gets rid of vance
3 weeks ago
He's going to meet him and KIDNAP HIM.
3 weeks ago
@Mountainman I think a lot of crypto will crash after Trump loses but I welcome other investment advice
3 weeks ago
I'm new here, so Hello. Here is my take. Not going to happen (obviously), but 79c 4 months away is probably not the best we can get. I think this kind of market gets juicy towards the end of Biden's term, when the cray-cray think it will happen. So: safe now, but I'd bet on a better entry point when some news hits, about Hunter's sentencing or about Biden's sanity.
3 weeks ago
Persuasive, I'll drop my limit orders again.
3 weeks ago
I'm new here, so Hello. Here is my take. Not going to happen (obviously), but 79c 4 months away is probably not the best we can get. I think this kind of market gets juicy towards the end of Biden's term, when the cray-cray think it will happen. So: safe now, but I'd bet on a better entry point when some news hits, about Hunter's sentencing or about Biden's sanity.
0 months ago
Actually I'm hoping to bait people into buying it back up to 28.
0 months ago
Erasmus can you bring this down to like 16-17 so I can load the boat?
0 months ago
Instead of buying this first I probably should have just bought more Kamala
1 month ago
Will we see you in the November market?
1 month ago
anyway congratulation for every winner guys
1 month ago
That's not your alt?
1 month ago
where is bro basedboi
1 month ago
After this we're all going to buy Kamala up to 60, right?
1 month ago
Harris holders must be Monmouth insiders
1 month ago
Surely you can't be serious
1 month ago
UMA has been known to do vibes resolutions though, so I'm wary.
1 month ago
“Breaking: I have agreed to put the Gateway Pundit in touch with the attorney for the whistleblower at ABC. In return for Gateway Pundit keeping the whistleblower identity secret.” gateway pundit however you feel about it, is an officially registered and verified news organization, check it for yourself.
1 month ago
Okay I've had the text translated into emojis: 🚪👊📰 🇺🇸🗳️🤥🌐 🎂2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣4️⃣👨‍💼➡️👥💼💰📢 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣6️⃣🗳️👀1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣+ 9️⃣/2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣1️⃣🔍💻🚫💰🤥 4️⃣/2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣📉💼💸⚖️ 7️⃣/2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣👨‍⚖️👎💼🚫⚖️
1 month ago
“Breaking: I have agreed to put the Gateway Pundit in touch with the attorney for the whistleblower at ABC. In return for Gateway Pundit keeping the whistleblower identity secret.” gateway pundit however you feel about it, is an officially registered and verified news organization, check it for yourself.
1 month ago
The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website.[1] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[35] Founded in 2004 by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation, supported primarily by advertising revenue.[36][37] During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, the site received over a million unique visitors per day.[38] In September 2021, Google demonetized the site for publishing misinformation.[39][40][41] In April 2024, Hoft announced that the TGP parent company, TGP Communications, had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, blaming multiple defamation lawsuits.[42] The bankruptcy case was dismissed in July 2024, with the judge finding it had been filed in bad faith to avoid the lawsuits against the site.[43
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
“Breaking: I have agreed to put the Gateway Pundit in touch with the attorney for the whistleblower at ABC. In return for Gateway Pundit keeping the whistleblower identity secret.” gateway pundit however you feel about it, is an officially registered and verified news organization, check it for yourself.
1 month ago
@milky13 If the "whistleblower" wanted to prove they worked at abc to any actual journalist, then it could credibly reported without doxing them. They were supposedly able to privately prove it to this random twitter account, after all.
1 month ago
The alternative is a market that any person could resolve by posting an obviously fake, redacted letter in a comment here. The title being "abc whistleblower" communicates that the whistleblower needs to acutally work for abc.
1 month ago
The alternative is a market that any person could resolve by posting an obviously fake, redacted letter in a comment here. The title being "abc whistleblower" communicates that the whistleblower needs to acutally work for abc.
1 month ago
yeah i mean i placed this bet on him releasing a bullshit report initially. That additional context is kind of shit. It literally said "regardless of the truth of its contents" and I bet accordingly but oh well
1 month ago
Is the main market just going to stay at 50-50 all election because of these games?
1 month ago
Okay but what actually happens if Fox News anchors bring this up on air tonight? Are those credible sources?
1 month ago
I would like a market about jewish space lasers after this one
1 month ago
Look at her profile, she is a Congresswoman. Do you trust Congress? Do you trust women?. Hey I'm just asking questions
1 month ago
They're simultaneously eating and not eating the cats until observed
1 month ago
Maybe he's in a quantum superpositional state of being both dead and alive.
1 month ago
Kyle is so credible that the washington post wrote about him! https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/09/20/social-media-influencers-election-fraud/
1 month ago
https://x.com/mtgreenee/status/1835289676959064119 very credible source MTG says the whistleblower is dead, so I suppose that happened after he gave the affidavit to also very credible source Kyle Becker?
1 month ago
https://x.com/mtgreenee/status/1835289676959064119 very credible source MTG says the whistleblower is dead, so I suppose that happened after he gave the affidavit to also very credible source Kyle Becker?
1 month ago
Well I suppose that might be for UMA to decide if any of you want to propose a yes resolution
1 month ago
what's credible reporting in your opinion?
1 month ago
If any of these twitter accounts qualify as "credible reporting" then I am suddenly very concerned about a lot of other markets' resolutions.
1 month ago
I have more fun when I'm right
1 month ago
ermaus hyperventaliting at a market tarding at 97,5. bro we are just clicking buttons and having fun
1 month ago
1) Nothing Ever Happens
1 month ago
The case for no:
1 month ago
The case for no:
1 month ago
1) Trump is forced to disavow Loomer 2) Loomer gets mad 3) Loomer lies and claims an affair (or actually reveals one)
1 month ago
The case for yes:
1 month ago
The case for yes:
1 month ago
You want more?
1 month ago
Hodling for this like i hodld for Joe Biden
1 month ago
I suggest we all just agree to pull our orders so the market can be at 50% for a few minutes and we get some good screenshots for twitter
1 month ago
Fed Chair Hayao Miyazaki has spoken
1 month ago
1 month ago
I think 5% they fucked but only 0.5% it's confirmed
1 month ago
https://x.com/MikeSington/status/1834358251967971543 Look at how she lights up when he touches her. They definitely fucked at least once before this video was taken. The question is whether or not any proof will be revealed by 09/20
1 month ago
I want to spend the 100k but what if the crazy fed guys show up again in the next seven hours?
1 month ago
in "if the microphones of the candidate are muted specifically while the other candidate is speaking", it does not say "always muted" or "ever muted", and so of course the market won't resolve "no" based on once instance of unmuting despite a policy of muting any more than it would hypothetically resolve "yes" based on one instance of muting despite a policy of not muting. As clearly stated in the penultimate line of the criteria, this market is about the policy itself. So it resolves "yes".
1 month ago
Just showing here now, I don't see the case for no. Buying symbolic yes to join the good guys.
1 month ago
Just showing here now, I don't see the case for no. Buying symbolic yes to join the good guys.
1 month ago
Maybe he's going to do a 9/11 to get an emergency cut on monday
1 month ago
just free money
1 month ago
So are you guys gonna eat that order or are you all full already?
1 month ago
But hey, maybe she'll be more confident post-debate and actually accept. It'd be a good move, she needs to reach his demographic.
1 month ago
@DavidMuir I respect you!
1 month ago
This was a terrible trade actually but sometimes my hands go faster than my brain.
1 month ago
if you want to join an alpha Discord hmu on the poly cord server
1 month ago
He seems pretty certain
1 month ago
He's so mad
1 month ago
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
1 month ago
I'm openly trying to get people to bet against me!
1 month ago
Biden is 81 years old, and between both cases, Hunter is facing up to 42 years in prison! Does anyone think that Joe is going to decide to live out his final years having to visit his son in prison, when with a strike of a pen he can make it all disappear? This would be at .90 cents right now if a millionaire wasn't suppressing the market, hoping that people will time capitulate, because unless Joe leaves office early (which is possible), you will have to wait until Joe's final days in office for this to pay out. BUT, I think it is always a good idea to park some cash somewhere if you can 5x it in a few months by just doing nothing.
1 month ago
No peacocking, just responding to your theory that the price is being "suppressed". Let's see what it does without me!
1 month ago
Biden is 81 years old, and between both cases, Hunter is facing up to 42 years in prison! Does anyone think that Joe is going to decide to live out his final years having to visit his son in prison, when with a strike of a pen he can make it all disappear? This would be at .90 cents right now if a millionaire wasn't suppressing the market, hoping that people will time capitulate, because unless Joe leaves office early (which is possible), you will have to wait until Joe's final days in office for this to pay out. BUT, I think it is always a good idea to park some cash somewhere if you can 5x it in a few months by just doing nothing.
1 month ago
Alright my limit orders are down now, buy as much as you want to correct the price.
1 month ago
Biden is 81 years old, and between both cases, Hunter is facing up to 42 years in prison! Does anyone think that Joe is going to decide to live out his final years having to visit his son in prison, when with a strike of a pen he can make it all disappear? This would be at .90 cents right now if a millionaire wasn't suppressing the market, hoping that people will time capitulate, because unless Joe leaves office early (which is possible), you will have to wait until Joe's final days in office for this to pay out. BUT, I think it is always a good idea to park some cash somewhere if you can 5x it in a few months by just doing nothing.
1 month ago
I put up some bigger orders, go ahead and take them.
1 month ago
@Jackson22 What are you thinking here?
1 month ago
Maybe, but the site is a little low on liquid markets besides the presidency, now the DNC is over. I've just been hoping Kamala drops lower so I can get a better deal.
1 month ago
"it's not worth it for anyone to buy up Kamala Pres shares just to win this market" assumes that Kamala is being fairly valued right now. If you think Kamala is actually the favorite, buying her here and there just kills two birds with one stone.
1 month ago
She's definitely undervalued.
1 month ago
"it's not worth it for anyone to buy up Kamala Pres shares just to win this market" assumes that Kamala is being fairly valued right now. If you think Kamala is actually the favorite, buying her here and there just kills two birds with one stone.
1 month ago
@HaterzLoserz You sure about this?
1 month ago
From 2020: “The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included. Everyone deserves a government that takes global health risks seriously and puts the lives of its people first. The only way we can begin to make things better is to choose leaders who are willing to face these issues and find ways to work through them. “I will proudly vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this year’s presidential election. Under their leadership, I believe America has a chance to start the healing process it so desperately needs.”
1 month ago
From 2020: “The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included. Everyone deserves a government that takes global health risks seriously and puts the lives of its people first. The only way we can begin to make things better is to choose leaders who are willing to face these issues and find ways to work through them. “I will proudly vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this year’s presidential election. Under their leadership, I believe America has a chance to start the healing process it so desperately needs.”
1 month ago
1 month ago
Think about it, polymarket didn't add any additional context this time.
1 month ago
For Trump to decide to get rid of Vance, he would have to first remember that Vance exists.
1 month ago
The other markets with the same criteria were much higher, this market just had one trader pushing the price down, probably to make this very argument.
1 month ago
Another thing I would like to add to this - if we look at the price action for this market, we can see that the polymarket community was largely in agreement with our views up until the rug was pulled from under us. Yes shares were selling for like 30 cents and No shares around 60 cents. The community was getting this verdict right based on the wording of the rules in this contract.
1 month ago
UMA decides based on what the platform says though. Disputing post-clarification is pointless.
1 month ago
also the only reason the other markets resolved to Yes was because someone proposed YES. Nobody did a dispute due to the costs being high. In this market someone did a dispute so this idea will be tested by the voting
1 month ago
The platform clarified the market resolves to Yes. The other two markets with the same criteria resolved to Yes. What are we still doing here?
1 month ago
May thy knife chip and shatter
1 month ago
The party slowly gets going again
2 months ago
The DNC chair just gaveled in the convention talking about nominating Harris. I guess the illuminati forgot to tell him.
2 months ago
Do y'all in the tinfoil hats think that they do the swap now on night 1, or do you think there will be 4 days of people giving speeches about Kamala before they switch her out for someone else on the last day?
2 months ago
Do y'all in the tinfoil hats think that they do the swap now on night 1, or do you think there will be 4 days of people giving speeches about Kamala before they switch her out for someone else on the last day?