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2 months ago
https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/08/22/venezuela-s-supreme-court-certifies-maduro-s-claims-he-won-presidential-election_6720360_4.html Venezuela's Supreme Court certifies Maduro's claims he won presidential election
2 months ago
https://apnews.com/article/venezuela-election-supreme-court-certifies-maduro-39d9f3b9beb0fe96fa052e4d2a3c106b Venezuela’s Supreme Court certifies Maduro’s claims that he won presidential election
2 months ago
Because the TSJ is as fraudulent as any other arm from Maduro government, Edmundo published enough proof of his victory and even the Carter Center(previously praised by the regime) declared there were inconstancies in the CNE results aka fraud.
2 months ago
Support : https://x.com/FrederickRecio/status/1821249046289482093
2 months ago
Support https://x.com/LWarho/status/1820888617469771813
2 months ago
to scam people
2 months ago
Today is a good day.
2 months ago
Polymarket MUST issue an official statement about this situation. This is no longer a prediction market but a market predicting potential rule interpretations and UMA's voting behavior. It's also clear that some big players have tried to manipulate the market to push for a YES on González.
2 months ago
Move your discussions to the UMA Discord before they vote 'yes' for Edmundo González. link : https://discord.com/channels/718590743446290492/1269708730698829955
2 months ago
"The primary resolution source for this market will be official information from Venezuela" Consejo Nacional Electoral (National Electoral Council), is the official electoral body in Venezuela responsible for overseeing and administering elections:https://x.com/cneesvzla/status/1819487765522010619
2 months ago
The CNE, the official authority responsible for declaring the winner of the Venezuelan election, has announced Nicolás Maduro as the winner. Any attempt to question the validity of the CNE's procedures or the integrity of their results is irrelevant to this market. The rules are crystal clear: this market focuses solely on the name of the declared winner, not on the process or the legality behind it. Debating the CNE's compliance or the election's fairness is completely outside the scope of this discussion. source: https://x.com/cneesvzla/status/1819487765522010619
2 months ago
The CNE, the official authority responsible for declaring the winner of the Venezuelan election, has announced Nicolás Maduro as the winner. Any attempt to question the validity of the CNE's procedures or the integrity of their results is irrelevant to this market. The rules are crystal clear: this market focuses solely on the name of the declared winner, not on the process or the legality behind it. Debating the CNE's compliance or the election's fairness is completely outside the scope of this discussion. source: https://x.com/cneesvzla/status/1819487765522010619
2 months ago
Tons of countries in the Americas recognizing Gonzalez as the winner? That's adorable. But let's get real—only the CNE has the authority to announce the winner of the election. Other countries don't have the power to select the winner :))
2 months ago
If it wasn't for the Polymarket intern immediately tweeting "MADURO WON" right alongside Cuba & China, this would be at 95c Gonzalez right now. The opposition preserved the evidence from CNE machines that they won the election, and that the results weren't close. CNE released easily disprovable fake results, and then has refused for a week now to release the precinct results (which violates the law). It's not exactly a shock that there's tons of countries in the Americas who are now recognizing Gonzalez as the winner.
2 months ago
Shifting the discussion to question the validity of the CNE's procedures or the integrity of their results is irrelevant to this market. The rules are clear: this market is solely concerned with the name of the declared winner, not the process or legality behind it. Any debate about the CNE's compliance or the election's fairness is beyond the scope of this discussion.
2 months ago
1. CNE already broke the law by not releasing the precinct results. 2. The opposition RELEASED THE PRECINCT RESULTS showing an overwhelming win with verified actas that are signed by witnesses, and directly from the CNE machines. Just incredible that people think a fraud that has been proven to be fraud is some "official" thing.
2 months ago
The Venezuelan Constitution and electoral laws grant the CNE the authority to oversee and manage elections. This includes counting votes, ensuring the electoral process is conducted fairly, and announcing the results.
2 months ago
Everyone chill. The CNE just has to produce the ballots. If Maduro won, you have nothing to fear. It is kinda sus that they have not produced them, and are rejecting the requests to audit them. Kind reminder that this elections go beyond a smol prediction market an your bags. This election will seal the fate of 30m people and THE FINAL OUTCOME IS NOT KNOWN (well it is but not officially yet)
2 months ago
Look, the market is about the "Winner" of Election. According to Venezuelan law, the CNE is responsible for declaring the winner, and based on official Venezuelan government sources, the CNE has declared Nicolás Maduro as the winner. We are not here to validate the integrity of the election, consider what U.S.-aligned governments think, or debate whether Maduro won fairly or fraudulently. These issues are irrelevant to this market. We are only interested in the name of the election winner. Let's not complicate the matter.
2 months ago
The entity that conducted the elections has declared the winner. If you think there was fraud or that someone else should have been chosen, it doesn't matter here. What matters is the official result and the reality, not what you believe to be right
2 months ago
CNE issues credentials to Nicolás Maduro, re-elected president of Venezuela source:http://mippci.gob.ve/index.php/2024/07/29/cne-entrega-credenciales-a-nicolas-maduro-reelecto-presidente-de-venezuela/