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Comments per hour
5 months ago
RFK's statement today on how voters should vote: "We're going to stay on the ballot in 30 states and I'm encouraging people to vote for me in those states." In no universe would any good faith reasonable person conclude that an explicit call for voters to NOT vote for Trump for president satisfies an endorsement of Trump for president. RFK has clearly stated his support for Trump while also clearly stating the endorsement of his own presidential bid. This is not complicated. I don't endorse drinking your own pee but I support anyone who wants to drink their pee if that makes them happy. I endorse drinking water. Words matter, rules matter, and Poly/UMA need to do the right thing and P4 this or refund everyone. "Yes" is clear cut THEFT.
5 months ago
A good captain goes down with the ship. And in this case i was a good captain
5 months ago
I will dispute it again in both markets, just waiting for the timer to countdown more, to buy an extra hour for raising awareness for NO holders and UMA discussions and comments here.
5 months ago
"The resolution source for this market will be official information from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or one of his representatives." No one is even talking about a consensus of sources for resolution! His campaign said NO ENDORSEMENT.
5 months ago
At 40 minute mark I will start a dispute and pay the fee. I have almost everything ready. I need you guys to start writing good arguments for why this should resolve as NO. And I have no idea how UMA processes this. Lets be respectful and polite throughout the process and use logic to correctly resolve this market. I believe its sent to a vote for UMA to review manually? Lets see if we can also discuss this on UMAs chats and channels if they require it. Need your help! Lets win this! If i lose the $750 its okay, I just wanted to do the right thing for the smaller betters here as well as myself ofc. Lets WIN! Team NO
5 months ago
With all this ambiguity why would we not rely on the formal question and answer posed to the campaign in regards to an endorsement? The campaign answered that RFK was NOT endorsing and a lawyer had made a mistake, that's a very clear response to a direct question which is central to this market.
5 months ago
It's weird this is even being contested. There has not been "formal endorsement" anywhere. Clearly no needs to be the resolution.. wtf polymarket
5 months ago
Website Press Breifing Not Endorsing
5 months ago
VP Not Endorsing
5 months ago
Website Press Breifing Not Endorsing
5 months ago
Not Endorsing from Press Secratary
5 months ago
VP Not Endorsing